Initiative for unified FillTypes for Farming Simulator

Initiative for unified FillTypes for Farming Simulator

Initiative for unified FillTypes for Farming Simulator

Why and for what this initiative?

In all the years since the Farming Simulator has been around, more and more mod-specific FillTypes have been developed. The modders and mappers have defined the names of the FillTypes at their own discretion. As a result, more and more different names for one and the same FillType were created over time. But it also meant that some mods did not work on other maps and you had to adapt the names first.

This should be over now!

With this website we want to provide a central contact point for generally valid FillTypes. In the database you can call up already existing FillTypes. It should be possible to register new FillTypes, which can then be entered into the database. Only one FillType is permitted per product. Anything else would then be purely map-specific and irrelevant for the database.

The use of all Fruit and FillTypes listed here in the future is voluntary for everyone. However, they are still recommended so that all mods can be compatible with each other in the future.

This initiative is supported by the following forums, modders and mappers: